Setting up the fencing for your farm is an important venture. Proper fencing is a way to ensure your animals’ safety, your neighbors’ happiness and your sanity! There are many options when choosing fencing for your farm, including woven wire, electric and wood fences.
The first thing to do after deciding to fence or re-fence your farm is to make a plan. Sketch a diagram of your farm on grid paper, laying out all important features. This should include buildings, paddocks, roads, wooded areas and other natural features.
Decide where you would like boundary fencing to be placed and whether you can fence in your entire property, or just want to put fencing up at certain boundary locations. Next, choose where you will place your pasture areas and how large you would like them to be. Multiple paddocks are great for rotating livestock to improve grass management.
After choosing where you will place your fencing, think about gate placement. While multiple gates can be expensive, they can increase accessibility and ease of moving your animals and machinery.
Once you have decided where you would like your gates and fencing to be placed, begin considering what types of fencing will be best for each area. There are many options to choose from, and fencing should depend on what you plan to keep in – or out – of a particular area.
Now that you have your plan laid out, head to All Around Fence to learn more about the types of fencing we offer and what their best uses are. Visit us at 7896 National Pike, Uniontown Pennsylvania, or contact us online or at 724-439-0331.
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